How to Pollinate Cambodian Flowers - Wayourlife

How to Pollinate Cambodian Flowers

Cara Penyerbukan Bunga Kamboja

How to Pollinate Cambodian Flowers - One of the most sought after varieties of frangipani flowers and belongs to the world's most beautiful flower group Adenium obesum.

This frangipani flower plant in Indonesia is known as the Japanese frangipani flower. This flower is not from Japan. Why is it called Japanese Frangipani Flower? because of the way the cultivation of this plant by means of bonsai so called Japanese Cambodian Flowers.

There are many techniques to propagate or cultivate Japanese frangipani plants, but for those who care for Japanese frangipani flowers often experience difficulties.

It is usually difficult to produce lots of Japanese frangipani flowers, so that the Japanese frangipani bonsai will look more beautiful.

Then how do you make frangipani flowers produce a lot of flowers?

The trick is we help pollinate the Japanese frangipani flower itself.

What is pollination?

Pollination is one phase of growth and development in plants. The results of this pollination can produce a new individual.

With the process of pollinating the existence of Japanese frangipani flowers in nature can be easily found.

Frangipani flowers can be pollinated by animals and humans. Japanese frangipani pollination can be easily done on the moon will be easier to develop.

Factors such as the amount of interest generated is more leverage if you do the pollination rather than during the flowering of the Japanese frangipani flowering.

Japanese frangipani flower is a flower that can grow throughout the year. It's just the characteristics of each type of Japanese frangipani flowers for different flowering.

Therefore the pollination function by intermarriage between types of frangipani Japan is mostly done by plant experts.

How To Pollinate Cambodian Flowers By Humans.

Pollination of Japanese frangipani by humans tends to produce faster than animals.

There are so many techniques that can be used by lovers of this plant to help pollinate frangipani flowers to produce beautiful and frangipani Japanese flowers in just one branch.
If you want to help pollinate frangipani flowers, here's how to pollinate frangipani flowers you have to do:

  • Prepare a Japanese frangipani flower that already has a large enough flower diameter as a provider of pollen. As well as other flowers as a place for pistil and the place where seeds will develop.
  • Then cut on the flower petals until the pollen part is visible. Use a toothpick, a cotton swab or a small stick to pick up large diameter frangipani flower pollen.
  • Then place it on the part of your Japanese frangipani flower pistil. Make sure you put it correctly so that fertilization will occur later.
  • Cover the surface of the Japanese frangipani flower that you pollinate with masking tape so that the pollen does not move.

If the pollination process is successful, then the frangipani flower petals will be released by itself. Furthermore, the parts of the flower that function as the place where the seeds will form, the stigma will develop.

The seeds that will later develop into seeds are what you need to know about its characteristics.

Japanese frangipani flower seeds have a small size but can still be seen and held easily. The shape is oval and long and has a rough seed texture with a uniform light brown color.

That's about how to pollinate frangipani flowers. If you want Japanese frangipani flowers to bloom, do a lot of pollination by following this method.

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