Good Food For Gout Patients - Wayourlife

Good Food For Gout Patients

Gout is one type of arthritis, gout usually occurs due to a blockage or a buildup of crystals in the joint area, and usually will attack the joints of the knees, feet, heels, fingers and other joints.

Gout is one type of arthritis, gout usually occurs due to a blockage or a buildup of crystals in the joint area, and usually will attack the joints of the knees, feet, heels, fingers and other joints.

Indeed, gout is not a category of deadly / dangerous disease, but the feeling that must be borne by the sufferer can usually torture the body, because the pain can not be restrained if a relapse.

Actually, what is uric acid? if viewed from a scientific point of uric acid is a chemical compound Nitrogen, oxygen, heterocyclic carbon, and hydrogen found in the body. Uric acid itself can be formed when a residual substance found in the body comes out and breaks down purines in the body. This broken purine will then be dissolved in the blood and flowed again towards the kidney organ. Then released together We defecate kuci.

Well for those of you who want to find information about good food for gout sufferers, there's no harm in continuing reading articles about food-eating that can be consumed, and can be useful to reduce levels of uric acid in the body below: Here are good food lists for gout sufferers:

1. Cherry
The fruit which has anti-inflammatory properties (anthocyanin) is a fruit that is useful for reducing the pain caused by gout naturally (can reduce uric acid levels in the body), so this fruit is suitable for consumption every day by people with gout .

2. Dairy products with low fat content
One type of low-fat milk that is good for you to consume so that uric acid levels in the body decrease naturally is yogurt. Yogurt is also well known for the digestive system and other bodily health, so besides being able to help reduce uric acid in the body, you can feel the benefits of double at once (one product has many benefits).

3. Lime fruit
Maybe lime is already famous in the world of beauty as a facial treatment, but do you know? that this one fruit is also beneficial for lowering and dissolving uric acid levels in the body naturally, as for the way to only consume lime juice.

4. Pinto beans
There are many types of beans in the world, but one of the nuts that is useful both to help reduce uric acid in the body is the type of pinto beans. So if you are one of the people affected by gout it's good if you consume pinto beans for one of your diet.

5. Increase the consumption of water
The main benefits of water for the body is as a beverage that is useful to meet the needs of fluids in the body. As well as drinks that can remove toxins and acid levels, so that if you consume enough mineral water, the levels of uric acid and toxins will disappear along with the release of sweat and urine.

6. Berries
This fruit is similar to blubbery and strawberries, berries, it also can be a healthy solution to avoid gout.

7. Celery seeds
By consuming regularly according to the instructions for serving celery seed extracts, you can reduce uric acid levels in the body.

8. Apple vinegar
As for how to apply apple cider vinegar juice so that uric acid levels in the body go down are as follows: Enter apple cider vinegar around 3 teaspoons into a glass of water, regular consumption 3 times a day so that uric acid levels in the body quickly fall.

9 Potatoes
And good food for gout sufferers is Potatoes. Potatoes can be a substitute for rice for gout sufferers.

Now that's a list of good food for gout sufferers. May be useful..!!

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