10 Natural Healthy Lifestyle Ways to Stay Young - Wayourlife

10 Natural Healthy Lifestyle Ways to Stay Young

10 Natural Healthy Lifestyle Ways to Stay Young

Anyone would want to be healthy, but when asked to live a healthy lifestyle that is right, not necessarily all want to live it. Usually, people do not want to live a healthy lifestyle because of the assumption that a healthy lifestyle is difficult, and not fun. Although it is not easy to do, a healthy lifestyle has many benefits, such as helping you avoid being overweight, improving mood, preventing various diseases, and can increase your energy. If a healthy lifestyle is applied regularly it will definitely lead to a better quality of life and health quality

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is very important and must be done. The reason is, if unhealthy lifestyle habits are still carried out every day, it can be detrimental to health. Indeed, to change habits is not an easy matter. However, if it is based on the intention to live a normal way of life, sacrifices must be made.

1. Eat healthy and balanced

The main way to live a healthy lifestyle is to eat foods with good nutrition. Foods with sufficient nutrition everyday must contain carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Carbohydrates and fats function as a source of energy for the body. Protein is also important to maintain the function of enzymes, cells and compounds in the body in order to be able to metabolize optimally. Don't forget to consume fiber. Fiber and water can help expedite the disposal of food debris and harmful substances from the body. Also note also how to cook it so as not to damage the nutritional substances.

If you have unhealthy eating habits, you need to record all the food consumed every day. This note is useful as a reminder that you limit consumption. It is recommended to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables at least nine servings a day as part of a healthy lifestyle.

2. Eat and drink as naturally as possible

At present there is a lot of food and drinks produced from processed factories. So much food and drinks are now produced by industry, where mass production is carried out, a long production process takes a long time to reach consumers. This causes the food and drinks need preservatives. As a way to live a healthy lifestyle, start using natural foods. Another healthy lifestyle you can do is stop consuming fast food, soft drinks, alcohol, and foods that contain lots of other unhealthy fats, such as fried foods.

3. Reduce salt consumption

Excess sodium can increase blood pressure and risk of heart disease and stroke. At the same time, heart disease and stroke kill more people each year than any other cause. In addition, they get 71 percent of their daily sodium from processed foods and restaurants. The way to live a healthy lifestyle is to pay attention to salt consumption. One must consume less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium every day. Those aged 51 years and over must limit it to 1,500 milligrams. So, cooking for yourself is the safest choice to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

4. Consumption of fermented intake for intestinal health and digestion

One part of the body that is often overlooked is the intestine. His health is often just forgotten. In fact, the role of the intestine for body fitness is very vital. There are many bacteria in the intestine. The amount is estimated at twice the total cells that we have. These bacteria are of two types, which are harmful and beneficial. If intestinal health is not good, the number of harmful bacteria can be more dominant, so that body fitness is disrupted.

Therefore, from now on as a way to live a healthy lifestyle, pay more attention to your intestinal health. You can do this by consuming fermented intake, such as kombucha tea, low-fat fermented milk such as yogurt, or fromage frais which is a soft, fresh cheese made from milk. Consumption of fermentation intake on a regular basis every day to trigger the growth of good bacteria in the body. In addition, intake of fermentation can be a natural probiotic supplement that is very good for our bodies.

5. Stop doing bad habits that endanger health

Consider stopping bad habits that are harmful to your health to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Spot habits of smoking or consuming alcoholic beverages, especially if you are at risk or already suffer from diabetes, depression, arthritis, or heart disease.

6. Exercise regularly

A healthy lifestyle that is often overlooked by people living in big cities is sports. Exercise in the right way and at the right time can make blood circulation smooth, strengthen muscles and bones. Health experts recommend exercising with a total total duration of at least 150 minutes each week. To implement a healthy lifestyle, start evaluating your daily activities, whether dominated by just sitting in front of the computer or active every day. Regular exercise does not have to be done at the gym. You can start a light exercise routine like running, cycling or yoga.

7. Adequate fluid needs

To live a healthy way of life you are advised to meet your daily fluid needs. Water makes every part of the body work well, and is able to prevent the occurrence of kidney stone disease and also constipation. You are advised to drink water at least 6-8 glasses per day, unless you have certain medical conditions that require you to limit fluid intake.

Drinking water is an easy way to live healthy. Water is good for the body, without preservatives, and contains neutral molecules that are compatible with body fluids. Water does not contain glucose which can increase sugar levels in the body. For those of you who are busy doing activities or sports, especially in a hot place, don't get busy making you forget to drink water. If the body lacks fluids, the body will become dehydrated and the process of removing toxins and body metals is not smooth. By meeting the needs of fluids, of course the body will feel fitter for daily activities.

8. Sunbathe to get enough vitamin D intake

Vitamins in the way of a healthy lifestyle is a must. Usually vitamins must be obtained through nutrition, because the body does not produce it. However, specifically for vitamin D the situation is unique. Apart from food, the body is able to produce it itself. Vitamin D itself is usually only known as a supplement for bone health. In fact, not only that. This type of vitamin is also useful for reducing the risk of autoimmune diseases, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes.

In order to get vitamin D, you can sunbathe. You can do this by sunbathing for a while, or while walking casually around the open house area in the morning before starting your activities. Make sure your body gets enough exposure to the morning sun. Furthermore, you can also get vitamin D from foods such as oily fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel), eggs, mushrooms, beef liver, cod, tuna, to yogurt. So, if you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle, make sure you get enough vitamin D

9. Avoid stress

A heavy burden of life, sometimes stressful. The resulting physical symptoms are headache, stomach ache, increased high blood pressure, chest pain and insomnia. Therefore, the way to live a healthy lifestyle is to avoid stress. Managing stress can be done by taking time to relax, do hobbies, yoga or meditation so that a healthy lifestyle can be created.

10. Get enough rest

Getting enough rest is the key to living a healthy lifestyle. Make sure your sleep hours are met by getting used to sleep and waking up at the same time. Taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to music can be a bedtime activity that helps the body to rest

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