Everybody wants an ideal body shape. But fattening can affect anyone, both children and adults, due to unhealthy lifestyles.
After suffering from obesity people try to lose weight. There are those with chemical drugs there are those with herbs there are also with a strict diet even considered extreme. A strict diet that is considered extreme will be harmful to health.
Then how do you lose weight naturally?
Everyone knows that losing weight is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, because many people fail to give up before getting results. To lose weight today not only with diet but can do it to change lifestyles with healthier lifestyles and do good activities. Here are some tips to lose weight naturally, namely:
1. Drink enough water
Drinking eight glasses of water every day can help in removing toxins from the body. In addition, drinking water regularly can also lose weight and help maintain healthy skin.
2. Go up and down stairs
Nowadays, using the elevator is often the first choice compared to choosing by stairs. However, are you aware of how many calories in the body that can be burned if you choose to go up and down stairs. Climbing the stairs can help to shrink the thighs and help in losing weight.
3. Stop eating when you are full
In general, people tend to eat more than satiety because they think that food pity when thrown away. But that is wrong, because the real rule is to eat until you feel full and do not force if you are not strong enough to eat it again. Excess food intake can add calories in the body resulting in fattening and become another health problem.
6. Eat small portions and do not eat in a hurry
Enjoy your meal with small bites by chewing until smooth. This helps in the process of good digestion and keeps you healthy. Also, eat smaller portions or plates so you can avoid overeating.
4. Avoid watching television
Research has shown that people who watch TV for more than two hours tend to gain more weight than people who don't watch because there is no body activity. Instead, while watching you can do other activities such as ironing clothes, walking on a treadmill or other physical activity.
5. Avoid stress
Stress is one of the main causes in the problem of weight gain. Because stress can interfere with hormonal changes in the body and tends to make your appetite increase. That is the cause of unwanted weight gain.
Those are some ways to lose weight naturally. hopefully useful and always have a healthy lifestyle